Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter outfits

I sewed during nap time for about a week.  Not bad for a beginning seamstress.  I took two trips to Joann's, and $22.00 (including Dallas $5 polo)  The girls dresses were made using this tutorial.  I found it easy to work with, I did have to make up Noelle's as the pattern did not size that small.  I had to make three bodices before one fit, and it was still a little wonky in the back.  But Noelle is not one size all over, she has a lot of chub in the trunk area!  Dallas bow tie was made using this tutorial.  It was very fast and easy.  I would do more in a heartbeat.  He  hated putting it on, but once on I think he simple forgot about it, as he wore it 12 + hours that day and didn't seem to mind.  His hat made using this tutorial.  I found the directions not to be as clear as I hoped, actually I wanted more pictures.  I am a visual learner, and love online tutorials for this reason, step by step pictures, thank you bloggers!  I did modify the hat to take some poof out of it, and to make it fit.  Original size it was too small, when I de-poofed it was really big.  I added some elastic, which helped the fit, and hopefully made it comfortable to wear. 
And the flower bow in Emily's hair, is based on some I have seen, I am sure there is a tute out there, but I didn't use one directly.  It is an assembly of 6 or so circles, the top four circles folded into quarters and placed on the other flat circles.  I sewed the whole thing together and then onto an aligator clip.

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